Read this letter of invitation to the Centennial Institute from ACL Vice President, John Gruber-Miller
ACL Scholarships are available to help members attend Institute.
The on-campus housing is closed. The hotel may have space available but it may not be at the group rate.
This link has airport information including ground transportation, tour and attraction discounts and lots more information about New York City.
Local Restaurant list
- Special plenary: WRITING ANCIENT WORLDS, featuring authors Madeline Miller, Steven Saylor, and George O'Connor
- Special panel: "Quomodo discamus? Tunc et Nunc: A Century of Teaching Latin," featuring Ken Kitchell, Jared Simard, Bob Patrick, and Teresa Ramsby
- Special session: Aquila Theatre, "The Warrior Chorus: A classics based veteran's public program" will present staged readings from four scenes from Greek drama and literature followed by a moderated audience discussion about citizenship and the experience of veterans today.
- Live recorded session of Quomodo Dicitur? a weekly Latin podcast about anything!
- Auricula Meretricula Musicula! a Broadway-style musical treatment of Cumming and Blondell's "Auricula Meretricula" with 11 original songs.
For information on reserving a table at the Institute, consult the Exhibitor prospectus.
For information on sponsorship opportunities and placing an ad in the Institute program, consult the Sponsorship Opportunities.
Institute participants who may need day care services should contact the group below. ACL is passing this name along as a service and will not contract services on your behalf.
The Baby Sitters' Guild
477 Madison Ave., 6th fl.
New York, NY 10165
Phone: (212) 682-0227
Website: http://www.babysittersguild.com
Contact: Ms. Heidi Davalos
Phone: (212) 682-0227
Email: babysittersguild@cs.com
Established in 1940, the Baby Sitters’ Guild provides experienced and trustworthy caregivers for parents who need full-time, part-time or emergency childcare while traveling in New York City. Sitters are available for families who are guests in hotels, as well as on-site in business or convention locations. They travel directly to the location with age-appropriate games, activities and arts and crafts exercises to keep children fully engaged and entertained.