ACL, JCL, and ETC Leadership Onboarding


Thank you for joining our leadership team.  

Use this zoom link to join us on April 1 from 7:30pm- 9:00pm Eastern 

Please review these materials before the session. 

Mission and Core Values

Board Job Description

Strategic Plan version 1

Travel and reimbursement guidelines

Conflict of Interest Policy

Crisis Plan


The Ohio Attorney General's Office governs charities in Ohio. The Charitable Ohio website is a resource for you as a board member if you have a question.

The AG's office has created Charitable U, a series of webinars that outline duties and responsibilites of a Board member, with specific references to the Ohio Revised Code. They have done a good giving you a good review of the responsibilities you have as a Board member.  

There are 9 modules which range between 20-30 minutes each.  You can safely skip the module on Bingo licensing!  I strongly recommend you make time to listen to these modules as a reinforcement of what we have covered in our orientation. 


The American Classical League

860 NW Washington Boulevard | Suite A | Hamilton, OH 45013
Phone: 513-529-7741 | Fax: 513-529-7742