Resources for Excellence in Developing Instruction (REDI)

What's new at REDI?

  • Downloadable Maps of the Roman world, made available at no cost through the Ancient World Mapping Center;

  • Webinars: teachers will earn PDPs and CEUs for topics such as Latin teaching methods, approaches to assessment, Roman culture, and using novellas in the classroom.  To submit a webinar idea, please complete the REDI Webinar Submission Form;

  • Professional Learning Communities, an opportunity for educators, through reflective dialogue, to discover the best practices and ways to support each other, centering on topics such as weathering a pandemic or our students and neurodiversity.

  • Classroom Materials and Novellas: Looking for lesson plans, thematic units, classroom activities, and Latin novellas? REDI has them and is looking for new materials.  To submit classroom materials or novellas, please fill out the REDI Classroom Materials and Novellas Submission Form

Click STORE to peruse materials available for purchase and free download.  Be sure to log in at the top to receive member discounts.

To volunteer with REDI, please complete this formThank you!

John Gruber-Miller, Chair 


The American Classical League

860 NW Washington Boulevard | Suite A | Hamilton, OH 45013
Phone: 513-529-7741 | Fax: 513-529-7742