Please refer to our Exam Page for information regarding registration, administration and cost.
All international orders must be the digital version of exam. For special consideration, please contact sizemor@aclclassics.org
Please contact Greek Exam Chair, Mary Pendergraft, at greekexam@aclclassics.org about exam content.
ALL exams, digital or print, are to be ordered through Lingco.
- Print copies of exams will be mailed to arrive at least one week before the exam window. If the exams are not received by then, please contact the ACL Office
- Answer sheets should be returned in a timely manner, ideally postmarked the day of the exam. However, all answer sheets must be returned to the ACL office by March 24 to be included in the scoring
The following leveled exams are restricted to Middle School and High School students only and cannot be repeated. Click on the exam name for the syllabus.
The following exams are open to students at any school, and cannot be repeated:
The following exam is open to students at any school, and may be repeated. but only two years in a row:
An entrant may not cross levels in Attic Greek (e.g. take both Beginning and Intermediate Attic) but s/he may take an Attic and a non-Attic examination (Intermediate Attic, Odyssey and Iliad), so long as s/he pays for each examination taken.
Previous Exams/Study Materials
A full packet of the 2024 National Greek Exams is available for free as a pdf download here
Copies of previous National Greek Exams can be ordered by using this link
The National Greek Examination in 2024 enrolled 1468 students from 144 high schools, colleges, and universities in the US and around the world. Of these students, 51% earned purple, blue, red, or green ribbons. The battery of six examinations consisted of four Attic Greek exams (Introduction, Beginning, Intermediate, Prose) and two Homeric Greek exams (Odyssey and Iliad).
In 2025, high-school seniors who earn purple or blue ribbons in the Attic Prose exam will be eligible to apply for one scholarship in the amount of $2,000, renewable for four years. The scholarship will be paid to the winner’s college or university on condition that s/he earn six credits of Greek during the school year. The winner will be selected by the NLE/NGE Scholarship Committee. Teachers of eligible students will receive application forms in the mail in mid-May. Winners will be announced at the ACL Institute in June, and notified directly thereafter by mail.
For information on examination or syllabi contents, contact Mary Pendergraft, Chair - ACL/NJCL National Greek Exam, greekexam@aclclassics.org.
American Classical League, 860 NW Washington Blvd., Suite A, Hamilton OH 45013 Phone 513-529-7741 Fax 513-529-7742