The ACL Blog served a good function for the organization. The information here will still be of value but the newest information will be presented in the ACL Newsletter.

American Classical League
/ Categories: Announcements, ACL


The ACL has established a fund for K-12  teachers of Latin, Greek, or Classics who have faced extra expenses due to the impact of COVID-19 on their jobs. If you have a bill you can not pay because of job loss, or if the transition to virtual teaching necessitated expensive purchases, this fund is for you.

We will ask no questions because we trust that you need this help. The fund will be available until it is exhausted. Please apply using this form.

If you are able to contribute to this fund and help even more colleagues, please go to and login to your account. Then follow this link to enter the amount of your donation and follow instructions. 

For questions please contact the COVID-19 Relief Fund team, Martha Pearlman, Penny Cipolone, and Laura Giles.

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The American Classical League

860 NW Washington Boulevard | Suite A | Hamilton, OH 45013
Phone: 513-529-7741 | Fax: 513-529-7742

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